
Rust provides access to a wide variety of primitives. A sample includes:

Scalar Types

  • Signed integers: i8, i16, i32, i64, i128 and isize (pointer size)
  • Unsigned integers: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128 and usize (pointer size)
  • Floating point: f32, f64
  • char Unicode scalar values like 'a', 'α' and '∞' (4 bytes each)
  • bool either true or false
  • The unit type (), whose only possible value is an empty tuple: ()

Despite the value of a unit type being a tuple, it is not considered a compound type because it does not contain multiple values.

Compound Types

  • Arrays like [1, 2, 3]
  • Tuples like (1, true)

Variables can always be type annotated. Numbers may additionally be annotated via a suffix or by default. Integers default to i32 and floats to f64. Note that Rust can also infer types from context.


See also:

the std library, mut, inference, and shadowing