
Struct :
   | TupleStruct

StructStruct :
   struct IDENTIFIER  GenericParams? WhereClause? ( { StructFields? } | ; )

TupleStruct :
   struct IDENTIFIER  GenericParams? ( TupleFields? ) WhereClause? ;

StructFields :
   StructField (, StructField)* ,?

StructField :

TupleFields :
   TupleField (, TupleField)* ,?

TupleField :

A struct is a nominal struct type defined with the keyword struct. A struct declaration defines the given name in the type namespace of the module or block where it is located.

An example of a struct item and its use:

fn main() {
struct Point {x: i32, y: i32}
let p = Point {x: 10, y: 11};
let px: i32 = p.x;

A tuple struct is a nominal tuple type, and is also defined with the keyword struct. In addition to defining a type, it also defines a constructor of the same name in the value namespace. The constructor is a function which can be called to create a new instance of the struct. For example:

fn main() {
struct Point(i32, i32);
let p = Point(10, 11);
let px: i32 = match p { Point(x, _) => x };

A unit-like struct is a struct without any fields, defined by leaving off the list of fields entirely. Such a struct implicitly defines a constant of its type with the same name. For example:

fn main() {
struct Cookie;
let c = [Cookie, Cookie {}, Cookie, Cookie {}];

is equivalent to

fn main() {
struct Cookie {}
const Cookie: Cookie = Cookie {};
let c = [Cookie, Cookie {}, Cookie, Cookie {}];

The precise memory layout of a struct is not specified. One can specify a particular layout using the repr attribute.